5 Portable Storage Myths Debunked

If you’re looking into portable containers as an option for storage, you’ve probably seen troubling questions and concerns online. False information spreads quickly on the Internet, and it can seem impossible to identify the truth from the fiction. This blog will go over several myths about portable storage that are commonly brought up.
Myth: There won’t be enough space.
False! Portable storage containers come in many different sizes, and Porta-Stor can help you choose what size you need for all of your stuff. The containers are designed to be easily movable while also holding as much as possible. You can also organize your container however you want to make it easier to find specific items later.
Myth: I can only rent one container.
False! You are welcome to rent multiple containers, and they can be used for either storage or moving. Portable storage is a very affordable option, and you can pay for only as much as you will use. If you think you need a lot of containers, contact us ahead of time to make sure they are available right away.
Myth: I can’t rent containers for extended periods.
False! Portable storage containers are available for both long-term and short-term storage. Let Porta-Stor know the timeframe you need, whether it’s for weeks or months, and we will accommodate your schedule.
Myth: Containers are not climate controlled.
False! There are climate-controlled options for portable storage containers. Although they won’t work as refrigeration or freezer systems, our secure, temperature-controlled storage facilities will keep your items protected.
Myth: I can store anything.
False! Portable storage containers are simple containers, and you need to follow basic safety rules. Avoid storing flammable, explosive, or corrosive materials in your unit. You should also avoid perishable foods to prevent pest infestations. This is for your own protection as much as the container’s!
Hopefully this blog has eased your mind when considering the usefulness of Porta-Stor containers and cleared up any myths about portable storage that you’ve come across in your research.