Beautiful Shipping Container Buildings

Shipping containers can be useful in so many ways: transporting goods, moving a home or office, temporary storage, long-term storage, and more. But have you seen the unique buildings that people have made out of shipping containers? Talented architects have done amazing things with this particular building material. The designs are sturdy, reliable, and cheap.
Finding it hard to believe that shipping containers can be attractive? Here are links to several websites featuring stunning examples of beautiful shipping container buildings from around the world:
Shipping Container Homes
Digital Trends has a great slideshow featuring images of many different shipping container homes.
BuzzFeed shows 23 different amazing shipping container homes with both inside and outside photos. shows some great pics and also talks about why someone would choose to make a shipping container home.
Freshome includes photos inside and outside shipping container homes and goes into detail about the process to build one.
Popular Mechanics has a slideshow featuring many examples of shipping container homes and offices.
Shipping Container Restaurants
Recycle Nation highlights the benefits of recycling shipping containers into restaurants, showing off several examples.
Adaptainer shows how you can use shipping containers to make convenient food stalls.
Marine Insight features 8 shipping container restaurants from around the world. shows off Perros Y Burros, an interesting shipping container restaurant in Mexico.
Shipping Container Hotels
Huffington Post goes in-depth about Snoozebox portable hotels.
Web Urbanist features 15 different options shipping container hotels.
After seeing some examples of shipping container buildings, what do you think? Would you consider living in a shipping container? How about ordering food from one? Staying in one for the night? For other examples of what people can do with shipping containers, check out Porta-Stor’s other blogs.