Make Moving Fun for the Whole Family

You might be skeptical that moving a family can be an enjoyable experience. Moving is a busy time for everyone, so having more people in the family to worry about just adds to the stress. This is especially true if you have small children running around. However, there are ways to make moving fun for your whole family by working together and making it into a game. Next time you have to pack up and move, try these tips out and see if you can make the moving experience more enjoyable for everyone!
Spend Time Together
It’s important to spend time together with your family and friends before a move. Not only can this help relieve the stress and pass the time, but it can also form memories that will last a lifetime. Play games together, such as card games, board games, video games, or something as simple as catch in the back yard.
Get everyone recharged, physically and mentally, with family meals. It’s especially important to make sure that the family is well-fed during a move, since everyone will be busy and tired. Whether you go out to a restaurant, order a pizza, or cook a home-made meal, the important thing is that everyone comes together and gets a boost of energy.
Find Lost Treasures
It can be a lot of fun to rediscover lost family treasures during a move. You never know what you’ll find during the cleaning and packing process. It could be a reminder of a small inside joke among your family members or even a significant family heirloom. Keep your eyes peeled for interesting finds. You can use them to help settle into your new home.
Make Moving into a Game
Try making a game out of various parts of the moving process. Having a sense of humor can make everything run much more smoothly and reduces the stress.
Especially for younger children, turning moving into a costume party can be a blast. Have everyone put on funny hats or clothes you don’t usually have a chance to wear. Just keep in mind that you don’t want to get really nice dress-up clothes dirty or torn during the strenuous parts!
Incorporate moving materials into your games. Set aside some bubble-wrap for everyone to pop. Make shapes or animals out of tissue paper. Make a fort out of the boxes before you fill them up. Show the kids the fun side of moving!
If your family is competitive, you can also incorporate that into your moving schedule. Use Rock-Paper-Scissors, or another game your family likes to play, to decide who gets to choose first among a list of tasks that need to get done.
Explore Your New Home
One of the most exciting things about moving to a new location is discovering what it has to offer. Show your family how fun it can be to set up your old furniture, decorations, and other items in new rooms. Put together a layout that you’ve never tried before. Use your belongings to make your new home feel comfortably familiar while also being a fresh, new start.
If you’re moving to a new town, also make sure to explore what it has to offer. There might be stores and entertainment similar to what you loved in your previous location. Or maybe you can find something brand new that brings your family joy. Check out the town’s website for events. Every location has something fun to offer a family just moving in: get out of the house, meet new people, and take advantage of what your new home has to offer!
Hopefully these tips help your family make moving fun next time you have to relocate. Be sure to spend time together, keep up with meals, and find ways to enjoy yourselves and relieve the stress. Check out Porta-Stor’s other blogs if you want more information and tips about moving, such as keeping your breakables safe or determining the best time to move.