Store On-Site with Porta-Stor

Many situations require extra storage space. Preparing for large gatherings and events, moving from one location to another, and making more room in your basement, attic, and garage are just a few examples.
In these situations, you may have considered using a storage container but weren’t sure where you would actually be able to store the container itself. Luckily for you, Porta-Stor is here to help! For just $50/month, Porta-Stor will store your belongings on-site in their shipping containers. Not only can the container be sent directly to your door and taken away when you’re done, but it will also stay out of your hair for as long as you need! Here are some situations in which you may need to store something on-site at Porta-Stor:
A Bad Time for Moving
You’ve just bought a house and it’s time to pack up and move in to your new home. Your current home is already rented out or sold, and the time has come to get out of there. Hold on though, your closing date on your new home has been pushed back, and you still need to move out of your current place! This is a case where being able to store on-site would be a great option for you. You’ll know that your belongings are safe and secure on-site at Porta-Stor while you wait for your new home to be ready.
Your Job Moves You
Your boss calls you into his or her office and asks if you’re willing to travel out of town for a few months for a job opportunity. Sure you are, but what about your apartment and all of your belongings? If you need to be out of town for a longer period of time, but don’t want the cost of rent in two places, then storing your home furnishings on-site might be a good option for you!
Your Business is Relocating or Remodeling
If you have a business that needs to relocate to a smaller location for a while due to renovation or move, you may need to store some of your furniture, tools, or inventory until you get to your new permanent spot. Using the on-site option for storage could be a good choice for you and your business, as you move from one spot to the other.
These are just a few of the scenarios that may come up that could benefit from the option of on-site storage. It’s nice to know that Porta-Stor allows for you to use one of their storage containers at their location if you need to for a low cost of $50 a month. This is a real cost-saver when you start to look at many other storage options. If this is a solution you think you may need, give Porta-Stor a call today at 1-800-833-7744!